Wise Words – August 2024 – You Don’t Let Insane, Criminal Or Stupid People Make The Decisions

We older gentleman must be aware that there is a generation now that has no knowledge at all of life before the sexual revolution of the 60’s and 70’s; glamourised evil, moral vacuity and psychological depression is normal; this generation thinks Game of Thrones is excellent television.

I did wonder why Ireland was insistent that there be no actual border between Britain and itself. If Britain has territorial control over northern Ireland then a border is normal, the same as with any other country.

Our leaders can’t think straight and that is odd and disturbing to me but I am now older than most of them and I think I know more.

Unless these current degradations are actually all planned

About right. Homosexuals seem to very much enjoy musical theatre in a way that regular guys absolutely do not.

Ballet, as well. Who enjoys that? The male and female costumes nowadays are obscene. I saw footage of ballet in the Victorian era and the women’s skirts were longer and more modest. A very odd art form.

These ignoramuses don’t understand that if your parents didn’t want you up until the 1950s, even, you were in trouble. There wasn’t a welfare state. So the nuns took you in. And what happens if a child dies of an infection in an era when there are no antibiotics? They have to be buried.

A society that has abortion on demand is worried about the remains of orphan children buried by religious sisters and brothers 100 years ago.

Of course what they are looking for is another stick to beat the Catholic church with. They can’t stand any other authority on this planet except their own.

I was pleased to see that the non-binary sodomitic anti-Israeli witch only came sixth after all her provocative behaviour.

Someone should send her a link to a Dana video.

This generation thinks it is clever and learned. It refuses to learn from previous and current Christian experience with muslims. They have behaved in the past just the same way as they did in Gaza; raping, murdering and pillaging and doing so in an unusually brutal way.

Prats from second-rate universities with second-rate degrees think they can use muslims to achieve their political ends and/or achieve an accommodation with them. They are stupid and the Free Palestine movement is ample evidence of that.

Islam is a political philosophy, it is not really a religion so when muslims enter into a country they are highly motivated to take over.

Lazy fat well-off locals are no match for them in the short-term; no sensible white Christian with prospects really wants to be a mayor of a city that may be in decline.

Soft times make for weak men.

There is no value to Ireland in getting involved in that conflict and there probably will be long term demerits in doing so.

Ireland has made itself an enemy of Israel and Jews worldwide and for what? To back up Hamas, essentially.

This shows the stupidity of our times. A pope uses a slang word which is perfectly apt to describe sexual perverts, in a semi-private meeting with bishops, and the BBC and others have a hissy fit. Sodomites cannot be priests.

The only good thing for me is that the anti-pope will now be attacked by the kind of people he should not have been trying to curry favour with anyway; people who don’t like or hate Christianity and who support modern sexual license.

AFAIK, this anti-Pope surrounds himself with men of dubious character and protects bishops who are either homosexual themselves or who have protected perverted priests themselves.

So it’s deeply ironic that he may now be publicly attacked for using a slang word for homosexuals.

Of 30 women in the US armed forces, when they were called up to deploy i.e. go in to battle, about 25 or more became suddenly pregnant.We are living in soft times so soft-headedness is normal.

Our leaders are 1. Not as smart as they think they are. 2. Not as smart as we think they are. 3. Probably diabolically-influenced directly or at one remove by the human agents of Hell somewhere along the line.

Freemasonry is paganism in suits. That is likely the unseen actor in politics that is causing bad decisions to be made on our behalf.

I am not sure but I think Cardinal Pell was investigating Vatican finances and he, reportedly, was not intimidated by anti-Pope Francis.

Their case against him in Australia was quite weak and there was a impression that the Australian authorities simply didn’t like him because he was a living rebuke to their globalist communist pagan self-indulgent nonsense.

There may be an untold story there, poor man. Apparently there were cheers from the other inmates when it was announced that he would be released.

Homosexuals try to claim as many people as they can get away with as being homosexual because they don’t reproduce normally.

Someone clever noticed that Kamala Harris was not elected to the post of vice president, she could become temporary president without being elected either if Joe Biden dies soon, and is going to be the Democrat candidate anyway without being elected by the Democrat party ( i.e. by the ordinary Democrat Party members.)

Which is not very democratic.

Why, in any sane world would you include a parody of the Last Supper in an opening ceremony for a secular sporting event?

But perhaps it was not so secular: they did have an actor dressed as Bacchus, so perhaps they are devolving into paganism before our eyes.

The Romans and the Greeks had better art; this is junk culture.

I just watch the ceremony on fast forward and some bits of it were just stupid in how base they were, and also it was very very dull.

It was appropriate that they were lashed with rain and the whole thing looked very cheap. And oddly meaningless, but these ceremonies tend to be so because they dare not call on their country’s history, because it might offend somebody.

We were laughing at how some countries had really small little tugboats for their team and everyone was getting soaked- how stupid it looked – like they had very little money and not much time to pull it together.

The sleaze doesn’t surprise me anymore – the communist left has nowhere to go but down.

Kamala Harris is like a wine mom; she sounds like she’s slightly drunk most of the time; not too clever, repeating herself, saying simple-minded things and then letting the kids wreck the place while she sobers up in her bedroom.

And also a bit like Biden: because she and he are not very intelligent they get angry when thwarted and behave badly towards their inferiors in private.

Trump is in danger. The reason there is so much opposition to him, I have read, is that he stated that the weapons of mass destruction In Iraq did not exist.

The weapons industry did not like that and neither did the establishment in Washington which makes huge sums from the weapons industry into their personal bank accounts, by way of salaries, etc.

It starts as a conspiracy theory and then six months later it’s fact and then shortly after that the mass media, if it hasn’t already been totally ignored anyway, move onto some other scandal to draw your eyeballs to their publication.

The best case scenario is that it is leftist stupidity and mass hysteria and two generations of liberal left education that has panicked people into making/taking the vaccine.

The worst case scenario is that it is a deliberate attempt to harm millions of people, to depopulate the planet, to earn merit with the evil one, and to make money.

The left cripples itself in trying to change society because it uses Karl Marx as its patron saint and it has no money to effect its ideas so it must steal the wealth of others.

This means a certain class of dishonest person gets to lead left leaning parties and societies.

Jacinda Ardern would be a good example; she was head of some socialist youth world forum for two years I think.

A very strongly belief in your abilities which can withstand the assaults of reality will get you a long way in business and politics.

People who are contented sinners and who do not have any of God’s grace in them will race to plumb the depths of depravity, following their urges, to any and all kinds of self expression, even unto going to Hell and sometimes the only thing that saves some people is they have a bad accident or illness and wake up as a result; otherwise they just carry on being decadent and end up in Hell.

The more they sin the more their minds become darkened and thus they become depraved.

As someone put it; “well done, you took the shot, got the doughnut, kept your job, and got to go on holiday”.

Apparently if one is politically controversial and going against the established order you should announce publicly that you are not ever feeling suicidal, just to put your enemies on notice not to try that trick and to possibly get justice if they find you having fallen out of a four story window. This is the world today.

Even if you are a pagan why would you think that being killed is any kind of benefit, even if you don’t believe in life after death?

I think we put dogs down because we don’t like to see them suffer. We don’t ask the dog its opinion.

As someone cleverer than me said, which I paraphrase; people are getting stabbed in the streets by immigrants and home-grown criminals yet Keir Starmer is worried about the so-called far right.

Kamala Harris is known for being very pro-abortion. Like Joseph Biden these people get power by catering to as many people as possible, regardless of morality. Plus I guess the powerful men in the background know that Biden and Harris are biddable.

Someone who is moral or in anyway obstructive may not get office and if they do and become a threat to established interests they may be killed if they are not frightened off by threats to themselves or their families.

I know that that is dark but it’s something I think I’ve seen in the background in reading about people who are a genuine threat to the system.

Sodomites breach natural barriers to disease all the time and there are worse perverts out there leads to viruses that spread in decadent populations.

There are people with HIV that deliberately spread it; our ‘tolerant’ society permits it.

Scientists create a cure, often by accident, then the locals do everything possible to bypass natural barriers to disease and then something worse develops in population (or in a laboratory!)

I read a long time ago that the British Department of agriculture in the Edwardian era had about 200 civil servants. I assume they managed the agriculture of an entire empire.

In the modern era about 2000 civil servants managed a sector of the economy that at that time only accounted for 2% of the British economy!

Everyone now wants to suck on the public teat and it all seems to be funded by debt and taxes.

What could go wrong?

1. Medicine is BIG money.
2. They think the world is overpopulated;
3. They’re pagans;
4. Healthy people are no use to a doctor.
5. [Happy/content people tend not to buy things.]
6. We now have anti-medicine; making people sick for money.

It’s partly marketing and partly anti-Christianity; a lot of people very uncomfortable around Christ and what he told us to do.

So they say “happy holidays“ so they can sell the maximum amount of stuff with the least amount of bother.

What started with Martin Luther and then the French Revolution is reaching, I hope, it’s final flowering in our time.

A sign of a bad worker or someone who is swinging the lead is that they fiddle around within the organisation instead of working to achieve its worthy goals.

Ireland has had a bunch of referendums that have done nothing positive for it and one can say there have been significant negative consequences; what does same-sex marriage or abortion mean for the average man trying to make a living?

But these schemes make a lot of money for certain parties.  If you are prepared to be a detective and look where the money goes …

It would be fascinating to imprison Jorge Bergoglio in a dungeon somewhere and not let him out until he had told you everything: how he came to be a priest, then a bishop, and then pope. The whole truth. I was going to say also one could also ask him what he really believes but he is telling us that, all the time. [shrugs]

We are lucky we have the internet and also that he is not more subtle. Otherwise he could do a great deal more destruction and get away with it; we wouldn’t know until months later. You would head into your local church and find something missing that was there before or something put in that wasn’t there before.

Dan Brown doesn’t need to create a new work of fiction; all he needs to do is write a thriller based around the election, career and removal of Pope Benedict and the election of Jorge Bergoglio, with a backstory showing their respective careers and what they did before they became famous; and a subplot showing the life of some contemporary truly saintly person, as a contrast.

It probably would encompass freemasonry, apostasy, homosexual cliques, offshore banking, corruption, secret services, famous names, and some murders probably.

Pope Benedict was involved with the second Vatican Council so it is terribly ironic, in my opinion, that the fruit of that movement probably got him removed from office.


From Dana to this sodomite in 60 years. A homosexual prime minister, a socialist president and now a human devil representing Ireland nationally.

It’s official; Irish politicians can’t think straight. Ireland is supposed to be neutral and a small and unarmed country should seriously consider remaining neutral. virtue signalling over leftist issues is very stupid when you have no army to back up your questionable opinions. South Africa is a basket case country I have read.

The Jews have a right to deal with a very serious Muslim problem on their doorstep. Before any of this conflict started there was going to be a deal with neighbouring nations for peace with Israel and if that had happened Hamas would have lost its revenue from one or more of them.

Hamas may have walked through a gate that was left open for them, so to speak, but they had no right to behave as atrociously as they did to ordinary Jewish persons.

I agree with the statement that everyone in Gaza support Hamas because before any of this started I read that muslims can go to almost any Jewish area in Israel but if a Jew goes in to a muslim area they will probably be killed.

It’s genuinely weird; Fauci and associates oversaw the lab that created the virus and then they were seen as the wise gurus who would save us from the virus. Unless most people think the virus occurred naturally?

The head of Moderna, a company that created one of their vaccines, is alleged to have overseen the lab that created the virus. Why are they even experimenting to create these wretched viruses as there is a chance they will escape and kill loads of people? Viruses are dangerous weapons to use militarily. This is science fiction becoming fact?!

In the end it might be all about money and power; if you want the money and to keep your job you shut up and do what you are told. The history of medicine is littered with bad drugs that harmed lots of people quite seriously. They might be like cigarette manufacturers; they just don’t care that their product causes harm, or they have rationalised to themselves what they are doing.

Apparently Anthony Fauci oversaw the response to the AIDS epidemic by championing AZT, an off-the-shelf drug that they decided to use to treat it but which was actually harmful and ineffective.

It must be that far from being independent thinkers, human beings are mostly herd animals who go along with whatever the group and the dictator tell them to do, and, perhaps social media reinforces the current group mentality.

More of the same. Apart from the diabolical aspect you would think these clergymen would be more politically aware but I suppose that once you normalise any one of the deadly sins in your society you will probably normalise all of them eventually. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13091959/cecilia-gentili-st-patricks-catherdral-funeral-transgender-activist.html

That’s just weird; why would the Mexicans need Irish men to make meth for them; if you have the chemicals and a building and the equipment making meth isn’t that hard, I understand.

I suppose the ultimate destination is America. I read somewhere that the local drug lords in Ireland and perhaps Britain don’t want meth in our countries because the cocaine trade is more lucrative and settled (shrugs).

With our foolish leaders getting involved in the Ukraine and Israeli wars and now, sexual madness and cocaine being popular and now we are manufacturing narcotics, as poor old de-Valera would have said: “Ireland has taken her place amongst the nations of the world”.

How odd.

The crux of it is that if you make a chemical that makes people ecstatic then they will want more of it and then our bodies work to bring us back to stability, then if you stop taking the drug you suffer withdrawal symptoms, so eventually you have to keep taking the drug just to feel normal.

There are drugs that supposedly will make you stronger and boost your intelligence to its (natural?) limit but these too can be abused and who are you going to believe that they work: a hippie, a Californian technocrat who is also a leftist, the manufacturer?

I think the natives have a case for misbehaving as we are being treated for fools.

I don’t care how liberal or leftist you are, importing loads of cheap labour from foreign countries and people with very different religious, moral and political views to your land is going to decrease availability for public services and lower wages generally. And increase social disturbance and crime.

The current poisoning of a percentage of the locals and the importation of cheap labour only benefits the clever upper classes who have hard-working Lithuanian is serving them coffee in Starbucks for low wages. If the brown races move into their area the administrative ascendancy can move somewhere even more expensive to keep away from them.

If a percentage of the population get sick and die from processed food, bad illegal drugs, bad legal drugs then so what; a section of the ascendancy thinks we are overpopulated anyway. Always remember we are not now dealing with a Christian society, so they don’t have our values.

So it’s win-win if you’re on £100K a year and lose lose if you’re only on £20K a year.

I have a friend who is a socialist and he won’t admit that mass immigration is a problem affecting issues like the availability of social housing. He thinks that empty buildings should be repurposed but if property is seized by the state that may collapse the economy, but he won’t allow or admit that.

Importing people who are more likely to vote left (until they become wealthy themselves) is the cynical ploy of the pseudo-leftist, in my opinion.

And if the state breaks down then the leftist can capitalise on their social upheaval and possibly usher in a true Communist state, which will make conservatives the first target of the new surveillance state and the leftists, the more outspoken ones, the second target.

It’s all been done before and we are sleepwalking into it slowly; that’s how tyrannies are formed – not overnight, except when they are at boiling point, but building up for years beforehand.

With the constant drumbeat about slavery from black men and women a white man being a slave might give some people of this era pause for thought. If you were captured in battle you could become a slave.

Also the Arabs raided Baltimore in Cork, I think, and took Irish men and women as slaves and some of them ended up as sexual slaves I would say, in Arab harems.

The people of this era are not as smart as they think they are. A non-Christian society doesn’t value it’s people as highly as a Christian one. A pagan society or a muslim one often hates its enemies with a passion and will do whatever they see fit with them.

The local eejits whining about injustice in their own country, or foreign countries, have no idea about the historical background to their freedom to do so.

If you can get a solid history of the life of Saint Patrick it’s very interesting. He blessed Tipperary, he foretold that Ireland would be flooded before the advent of the Antichrist and he went up against local pagan sorcerers and beat them.

We know quite a bit about him because he had to issue an apologia, an explanation of something he had done, to justify himself and so there is a written record.

I have seen a fair number of videos now on YouTube which have a theme; a person gets a quick tour of Hell during a near-death experience and their reports are all similar.

There’s nothing you can do about your sins personally after their death of their body; you can suffer for the venial ones in Purgatory and masses can be said to help you get out of there, but that’s it.

If you die with a mortal sin on your soul which has destroyed God’s grace within you, then, game over.

If you’re embarrassed to sit and face your priest to confess sins (which in itself is a stupid modern innovation) then go to a town or city where you are not known.

A magnificent invention of the Irish is the confession box; you can confess your sins validly and anonymously. Apparently we invented that, I think during the persecution by the English of Catholics and Catholicism.

I think a lot of Irish people are going to Hell simply because of their grand and easy-going way of looking at Hell, Heaven, sin and death.

They think God is an easy-going indulgent uncle where as in truth he is the Father of justice.

When we were young the master-stroke had already been carried out; the old mass was effectively prohibited and the new people-facing mass became the norm, with holy priests not wanted but Terry Wogan-style priests very much favoured, and in the background you had homosexuals gaining greater and greater ground amidst the clergy, with the current result you see in the media and in Rome itself.

If you do your research you can find out what holiness looks like and then you will be put off by the feminine and effeminate displays you see in church and in the media.

These poor fools think they are going to usher in a new age of enlightenment but they are blind to, or are happy to see, the misery and degradation taking over western post-Christian countries in the background; more and more people are on psychiatric medications, are raised in broken families, and are straight out unable to even to think straight.

The mainstream church will probably collapse simply because they don’t have their numbers to maintain it, while the traditionalists will attract more locations and more laymen and women.

But it will be ugly before they eventually collapse. The Anglican church gives an indication of what can happen; they are kept going by old bequests but are increasingly irrelevant to the society that they seek approval from.

But the ‘good’ thing is that those people who want to belong to a church of Satan will soon have ample opportunity to do so and they will become like the followers of the Belial in Israel long ago; bright-eyed, smiling, devious and worshipping in a lying church.

Of course, the foregoing can all change if we get a couple of holy, fervent, or just pious popes in succession.

They would just need to reverse the prohibitions of the current contrarian and kick out all the perverts and heretics currently infesting the Vatican, and also the known heretics within the hierarchy and then we might be able to get access to sacraments well-said, all over Catholic Christendom, And the scandals would subside.

Because the revolution has been going on so long Catholics now can barely remember a time when public piety was normal.

Meanwhile, Jorge Bergoglio washed the feet of 12 women last Easter in a recreation of Christ washing the feet of 12 apostles. Not.

Traditionally the Bishop would wash the feet of 12 of his priests, or your local Pastor would wash the feet of 12 men in good Catholic standing in the parish, who also bore the names of the apostles, like John, James, Thomas, Philip, etc. This was not a common ceremony.

The very idea of a priest, bishop, or pope washing the feet of 12 women is repulsive; it shows how deranged we have become as a society, I’m sorry to say.

My current opinion is that the clergy of the past 120 years approximately should have been sent to a boot camp and told, amongst other things, not to improvise the liturgy or to get creative with it in any way.

Our sacraments look theatrical but they are not inherently theatre as we know it; words matter, the substances used matter, the gestures matter and if they are not properly present then there may be no effect; a spiritual disaster in case of a baptism or ordination.

Cripes, It has just occurred to me that only the SSPX have certainty that they have a valid ordination lineage. Any priest or deacon outside that society in the past 60 years or so may have had a bishop that withheld the intention to ordain. Or there may have been some other shenanigans.

I am sorry to lay this on ye but it is well to be aware of what can be the case and take guerilla measures to counteract it.

Here is a tip for you: pseudo Conservatives eventually adopt Communist ideas from 20 years ago. They just go with what has now been normalised or has become popular.

This explains the failures of Conservative parties generally in the world in recent years; men who have daughters and opinionated wives succumb to moral pressure from them and because everyone wants to be popular, especially with their nearest and dearest.

Thus we get taxpayers money thrown at groups who didn’t earn it and don’t really deserve it because we want to seem ‘nice’.

Add in 70+ years of the welfare state with nations voting themselves free money and you have a very decadent society. The right to vote should probably be restricted to men who are 25 years and above, who are not on the dole, and who are married with children or who own property.

Such people have a genuine stake in the future and are worried about it; the future of the country, not just their own petty interests.

What’s odd about that statue is that David is naked. I’m pretty sure a pious Jew in ancient times would wear clothing. Very rarely do even primitive pagans go naked.

I think I read Michaelangelo was a homosexual so that might explain his interest in the male form.

We as a society are weird looking at a statue of a naked man and saying it’s great.

I came across a new idea. ‘Luxury beliefs’. Middle-class people adopt ideologies and ideas they preach to others which don’t cost them, personally, anything.

They get to feel morally superior, attempt to exert dominance over others, and it costs them nothing and if their ideas have disastrous consequences, in practice their money and status will shield them from the consequences, especially if they live in a country foreign to where they are suggesting behaviours.

Ukraine is a must for our tax money while veterans go hungry and sleep on the streets. Millions of illegal ‘newcomers’ are crossing our borders which we the people are paying for, while all of us struggle to care for our families due to the price of all necessities and commodities. Donald Trump is the worst person to draw breath yet Joe and Hunter Biden are just fine human beings.